Radolescents- Golden Bull, Oakland Ca. 2/25/18 Canon HFG40 Rode

This show was on a Sunday night, and I totally forgot about it. I was sitting on the couch, checking my feed and there it was. I threw my cameras in my bag and hauled ass from Orangevale to Oakland. I got there about 10min before the Radolescents took the stage!
This show is unique because their vocalist, Frank Agnew Jr, was sick and unable to perform. Rikk, Casey and Dan Colburn stepped in and filled in on vocals. It’s pretty funny to hear Casey do his best Tony Cadena impression, singing while playing drums.
They are coming to the Blue Lamp in Jan- go check them out! They do the Adolescents’ Blue Album + Welcome to Reality EP in full. Frank Jr. sounds a lot more like Tony than you would expect.
PS: I did 3 cameras of the show, but one was shut off by an audience member and the drum cam was poorly lit. The lights were extremely blue, so I corrected it a bit.

Live Concert Video

Radolescents- Golden Bull, Oakland Ca. 2/25/18 Multicam with Rode Audio Live Adolescents Rikk Agnew

Happy Monday everyone! Here is another newly edited show for you today. This one was funny- I was excited to see the Radolescents play and I had made loose plans to go. It was about 6pm (maybe later) on Sunday and I am checking my facebook feed… and the show was happening that night- it was already starting! I totally forgot about it!! I threw my gear into my bag and booked it over to Oakland (90+ minute drive) and got there right when they were preparing to take the stage.
The lighting is ridiculously blue- maybe for the blue album? Dunno, but that’s how it looked in the club. Frankie jr was sick, so the rest of the band picked up vocal duties. I was bummed because Frank sounds so good doing these songs. I was fun to see Casey sing the songs that he helped write so long ago.
Starts with 3 cameras, but one of the gopros by the stage gets clobbered about 10min in.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Canon HFG40 with Rode Videomic Pro Stereo, 2x Gopro hero 4 silver
Edit by Tromster

Live Concert Video

Solanum- Undisclosed Location, Sacramento Ca. 2/24/18 Canon HFG40 Rode VPS Mic

I finally got to see a Solanum set. Huge props to Ricky for adding them to the bill. These guys are (in my opinion) the best thrash metal band in Sac. They are working on an album now- in fact, they were not playing shows but could not refuse a gig this good!

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG40 & Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic

Live Concert Video

Municipal Waste- Undisclosed Location, Sacramento Ca. 2/24/18 7 Camera Multicam w/ Soundboard Audio

This one turned out great despite the complete chaos in the room. This is a SEVEN camera multicam- thanks to Jesse Davis and Zoran Theodorovic for sharing their angles for this one. Thanks to John Taylor & MW’s soundman for the killer sound.
The crowd was so wild that cameras were getting knocked around. My G10 gets hit right at the start of the show and points up and to the left… but Jesse put it back pretty quickly- thanks.
One of the most intense shows I have ever been to.


Recorded by: Jesse Davis, Shayne Stacy, Zoran Theorodovic and Capital Chaos TV

Equipment Used: Canon HFG40, Canon HFG10, Gopro, Jesse’s canon cams, Zoran;s DSLR.

Audio: Soundboard w/Sony M10

Live Concert Video

Isotope- Den of Sin, Sacramento Ca. 2/24/18 Multicam Hardcore Punk Video

Here is Isotope’s set, opening for Municipal Waste at Den of Sin. They are from Oakland and have quite a few releases on Carbonite Records.
A funny thing about Den of Sin- every time I bring my cameras into the club, I get grilled by the club leader about how we can’t post any signs/logos etc online, so I try to keep my shots tight to accommodate his request… and then someone(not me) videos a lead vocalist in a Santa Claus suit getting punched at a toys for tots benefit there and it goes viral. All signs and logos visible! Haha, oh well.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Canon HFG10, Canon HFG40 (plus Rode Videomic Pro Stereo), 2 Gopro hero 4 silver.
Edit by: Tromster

Live Concert Video

City Mouse- Character’s, Pomona Ca. 2/19/18 Multicam Canon HFG30

So I was in southern California for vacation at the same time as City Mouse’s tour. I was so excited! I was planning to go to 3 shows, then 2, and finally only made it to 1. They played right next to where I was staying in Long Beach and I missed it! Damn.
They played to a small crowd at this show in Pomona. Despite living in Whittier for a few years back in the 90s, I had never been to Pomona. It is way out there!
Thanks to the band for allowing me to film. One of the best bands going right now.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG30 w/Rode Video Pro Stereo mic; Gopro Hero4 Silver

Live Concert Video

The Hammerbombs- Characters, Pomona Ca. 2/19/18 Canon HFG30 Rode VPS Mic

I was on vacation in southern cal last week, and I was lucky enough to catch a show with City Mouse & The Hammerbombs. I was one a 3 paying customers, I think, if you don’t count the guys playing pool. Thew venue was a HIKE into the middle of nowhere. Even though I lived in Whittier for 3+ years in the 90s, I don’t think I ever went to pomona.
Anyway, the band was very good and I picked up their CD at the show. Very nice folks and I have been wanting to catch them for a while. Sorry for the lighting- they were lit by those neon beer lights only.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG30 & Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic

Live Concert Video

Sacramento Audio Waffle #40 – Red Museum, Sacramento Ca. 2/18/18

This the audio capture of Sacramento Audio Waffle #40 from February 18, 2018. It was a delightful morning.. the noise was awesome and the waffles were delicious.

S.A.W. happens monthly at Red Museum in Sacramento and is hosted by The Norcal Noisefest crew and TIF


released February 28, 2018

all recordings captured, edited, and produced by Lob Instagon.
flyer layout and design by Lob
all sounds belong to the artists who made them.. any use for any reason should be cleared with them first. .

Sacramento Audio Waffle is a monthly happening hosted by Norcal Noisefest Crew and TIF.

Audio Live Concert