Pornosurf- Cafe Colonial, Sacramento Ca. 9/30/17 Multicam Canon HFG30 Rode VPS Mic

Hi Everyone, I’m going to be changing how I post stuff in the near future. I’ll be doing a few things differently: – I will be holding off posting stuff from the colony, colonial cafe & 924 Gilman (and maybe some older archival stuff) to support fundraising efforts for both venues through Patreon. More details to come soon. This is probably my last post from the colony/etc outside of that project. – For the rest of what I post, I’ll be starting a blog so there is a more permanent home for my posts. Everything seems to get lost in the youtube & facebook noise, so I already opened a wordpress site. I’ll give more details when that is live as well. Here is Pornosurf from Spain! They opened for Grim Deeds in September at the Cafe. They play Ramones-core and were super nice guys. I know they REALLY wanted a multicam video, so I hope they enjoy it!

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG30, Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic


Live Concert Video

RAD- River Walk Park, Cyclocross Event, West Sacramento Ca. 9/30/17 Multicam LIVE

Oh man, this was total chaos. I took my 2 year old to the event while my wife took my daughter to ballet. When I got there and saw the parking situation, I realized that I was going to have to carry him, my cameras and 2 tripods about 3 blocks to the event. Thank goodness I saw Jaz Brown right when my arms were failing. So then I talk my wife through the parking process. It was like trying to land the mars probe by remote control while a band was playing in the background and a 2 year old pulling shorts down, but it got done. RAD starts their set. My 6 year old has only seen Dog Party and my 2 year old has never seen a live band. They start dropping F-bombs and drug references at a family event and my wife glares at me.. I am like “I have no control over this”. Check out the perplexed look on the kids faces in FB comments. Classic. Anyway, this is supposed to be their last show and it was an awesome, extended 25 minute set. Thanks to Agelos for the edit.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Edited/Remixed By: Agelos

Live Concert Video

GRIM DEEDS- Cafe Colonial, Sacramento Ca. 9/30/17 LIVE Multicam with Rode Audio Canon HFG30

I can truly say that in my 35 years of going to rock concerts, I have never seen anything like this. I went to GRIM DEEDS’ facebook page to find an apt description, and I found this: “GRIM DEEDS is a complete waste of your time! Pay 5 bucks to download the album! F*CK YOU!” So there you have it. 4 camera multicam (2 HFG30, 1 HFG10, 1 gopro). HAILS!

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG30, Canon HFG10, GoPro, Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic


Live Concert Video

GBH- Cornerstone, Berkeley Ca. 9/29/17 LIVE Multicam with Soundboard Audio G.B.H.

This video is good, but a bit chaotic. First of all, I could NOT find parking at cornerstone(I looked for 30min!) so I parked in a garage 4 blocks away. The garage closed at midnight, and GBH were playing until 12:15am, so that posed a problem. Also, a happy little stagediver kicked over the stage gopro about halfway into the set. so, you get: 3 cameras for the 1st ~35min 2 cameras (no gopro) for the next ~25min 1 camera (the vibrated/blurry balcony angle) for the encores. Sorry. It’s still good and it sounds awesome. On that note, if anyone rips and bootlegs this audio, I will hunt you down.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: GoPro


Live Concert Video

The Pathogens- Cornerstone, Berkeley Ca. 9/29/17 LIVE Canon HFG30 & Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic

The Pathogens opened the big D.I./GBH show at Cornerstone a couple of weeks back. They keep opening shows in the bay, so if you see them on a bill, get there early! Members from Tilt, Blatz and many others. Members: Cinder Block, Markley Hart, Sebastian Stuart, Noah Weber, Jovino Bunny, Jesse Luscious,

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG30, Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic


Live Concert Video