Fishbone- The Stone, San Francisco Ca 6/19/86 xfer from low gen cassette

This was on the “B” side of the tape with the RKL set that I posted yesterday. It’s poor quality, but I found this setlist from the show on the website and it sounds like a recording has never surfaced. There was a setlist image on the site that I used for the photo here. Thanks fishbonelive!
Anyway, this recording is just a bunch of distortion. That’s what happens when you mix rock concert volume with consumer recording gear. Oh well, I hope someone will appreciate it.

Recorded by: ? (from Barry Ward archive)
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert

Attitude Adjustment- Ruthie’s Inn, Berkeley Ca. 6/6/86 Soundboard Audio Hardcore

I tried to post this yesterday since it was 30 years to the day… So this is one of those tapes that got me totally hooked on taping and tape trading. It sounds kinda awful at the beginning, but it is more listenable about midway through. AA only had their demo out and they played a headlining set at Ruthie’s. They ended up playing the longest set I am aware of, for this era of AA. Crazy between song banter with Andy and the crowd. It sounds like the band has a fight around “Streetwise”, 2/3 of the way through. I listened to this tape so much, I broke it and had to ask for another copy from Mark. I think Wayne Vanderkuil might have taped this one. Man, I wish he would loan me his stuff so I could transfer it.

Recorded by: Wayne Vanderkuil


Audio Live Concert

Savage Republic- UC Davis Coffeehouse 6/86 1st gen cassette master studio tape xfer- “Andelusia”

Welcome to Mediocre Monday! This is the last MM for a couple of weeks, since we have a legit US holiday next Monday.
This one comes from Mike Siou and Sam Habash- thanks guys! It is from the KDVS tape archive. The only thing Mediocre about this one is that it is only 1 song, 6 minutes long. Pretty cool.

Recorded by: KDVS
Studio to cassette transfer by Mike Siou
Cassette to digital by Sam Habash using Nakamichi DR-1

Audio Live Concert