D.I.- 924 Gilman, Berkeley Ca. 8/30/87 xfer from low gen soundboard tape Rebalanced DI Casey Royer

Here’s one from Wayne Vanderkuil’s collection. Actually, it seemed like we(bay area tape traders) all traded for this tape, but it isn’t clear who has the master. Wayne’s tape is on the best quality tape out of the bunch (TDK SA-X90) and has the least hiss, so we’ll go with this.
This is pretty good for an early Gilman mix, but the mix does fluctuate throughout. There is no snare for most of the show, so I pushed that up. Vocals were buried for a stretch, so up those went as well. Sounds ok I guess.
And, check out that calendar- D.I. wasn’t initially booked for this date. Must have been a late add since they were playing Sacramento around the same time.

Recorded by: ?
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
Rebalance in Izotope Rx8: Vocal +4, Bass +5, Drums +5.

Audio Live Concert

Herbicide- Metalfest, Helvetia Park, Sacramento Ca 8/29/87 xfer from 2nd gen cassette Rancho Cordova

Happy mediocre monday y’all. It has been a very busy workday so I am behind on everything.
Here is a recording from one of those big metal fests they used to have at Helvetia Park. Does this park even exist anymore? I tried finding it on a map and no luck.
Anyway, like I mentioned in last week’s Herbicide post, our band CCR and Herbicide shared a drummer so there was a friendly rivalry between the bands. I used to yell “Herbicide” in the same style that the vocalist sings, as a joke. I think that this is a drunk me yelling “herbicide” into the mic or the boombox toward the end of the show. I might have had a couple of drinks before the set. Actually, I think I got thrown out of this show and talked them into letting me pay again to get back in.

Recorded by: Herbicide
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert

Bulimia Banquet- 924 Gilman, Berkeley Ca 8/16/87 xfer from master soundboard tape enhanced

I posted the Op Ivy from this tape a couple of weeks back- here is Bulimia Banquet’s set. The mix was more consistent on this one and the transfer was clean enough to do a much better rebalance job than the OPIV. Starts heavy on the vocals, but the mix gets good about halfway through.

Recorded by: Wayne Vanderkuil
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
Rebalance in Izotope Rx8: Guitar +8.5(!), Bass +5.5

Audio Live Concert

Operation Ivy- 924 Gilman, Berkeley Ca. 8/16/87 xfer from master soundboard tape rebalanced

And now, a very special presentation from the Sac Music Archive.
This one has been on my hard drive for a few months- I think this was the very first cassette I digitized from Wayne Vanderkuil’s collection. The mix moves all over the place, so I was planning to rebalance each song but no time for that. So I did a straight rebalance of guitar and snare and called it good. As usual, I mixed it for the majority of the show, so certain parts (such as the beginning) may not sound as good. Forward it a bit- it gets better.
Wow, and what a set this is. There is at least one song that I have never heard them do before. Let’s keep this one off the bootlegs, kids.

Recorded by: Wayne Vanderkuil and Radley Hirsch
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 Card
Rebalance in Izotope Rx8 (Drums +4, Guitar +3)

Audio Live Concert

Nomeansno- 924 Gilman, Berkeley Ca 8/16/87 xfer from 1st gen audio cassette Soundboard

Here’s another amazing gift from Radley Hirsch- he gave this one to Anonymous shortly after the shows happened. It’s pretty cool that Nomeansno played Gilman TWICE in 9 days. I think I saw a “work in progress” flyer from Radley’s collection that had NMN as a late add to this show.
The raw mix on this one is much better than the one on the 8th. Jim McLain asked to help with the mixing and he did a fantastic job on this one- his remix sounds great!

Recorded by: Radley Hirsch
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert

Adrian Belew & the Bears- Mississippi Nights, St. Louis Mo. 8/11/87 Proshot xfer from studio master

Happy thanksgiving to everyone who is celebrating this year. Ever since I learned that the crap they teach you in school is not exactly truthful, I think of the holiday differently. I am thankful for many things, one of them being that I can enjoy getting all of my collection out for people to see.. and people seem to pay attention and enjoy them. I appreciate all of the friends I have made through the music scene over the past 35 years.
Anyway, I was surprised to see that this was not posted yet. I worry that it will get blocked- we will see, I guess. This was one of the bigger, more mainstream artists that double helix filmed over at Mississippi Nights in the 80s. I am also thankful that they had the vision to film these bands– not many videos from that era are this good.

From Jim Utz’ collection

Live Concert Video

Nomeansno- 924 Gilman, Berkeley Ca 8/8/87 xfer from 1st gen soundboard cassette rebalanced

Here is another Gilman board tape, courtesy of Radley Hirsch. He sent it to Anonymous back in the late 80s. The mix was good, but not perfect. I think the rebalance job in Izotope helps it a lot. Guitar is still a little buried but enjoyable.

Recorded by: Radley Hirsch
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
Rebalance in Izotope Rx8: Bass +4, Drums +1, Guitar +6.5

Audio Live Concert

Reagan Youth- The Farm, San Francisco Ca 8/7/87 xfer from master audio cassette

Here’s another nugget of greatness from James R. Edmonds. He sent me some of his master tapes to digitize- more to come. This one is an audience recording- a boom box with the soundman supplying a mic to use with it. Not perfect quality, but any RY with Dave Insurgent is great to hear.
Between James’ and Waynes’ tapes, it’s going to be bay area time machine here for the the next year or so.

Recorded by: James R. Edmonds
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert