Jonah Matranga, Allyson Seconds, David Houston, Kepi Ghoulie- Kevin Seconds- Side Door, Sac 12/23/22

There has been a wonderful annual tradition happening in Sacramento over the years- around Christmas, these fine musicians would gather on the same stage- and all play together. This used to happen on Christmas Eve and I was never able to make it due to other obligations. Last year, they moved it to the 23rd and I was finally able to go for the first time! It was so great- 2 hours and 40min of them having SO MUCH FUN. Each musician would start a song, and others sometimes join in if they know it.
It’s your lucky day- this show is happening again this year- on the 23rd (this coming Saturday) at the Side Door. Tickets are still available! Only $20!! I will post a link to buy ticket in my facebook post comments.
For now, here is an example of what you can expect- here is last year’s show. New surprises (and jokes!) every year.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: DPA4061 mics, Church audio preamp, Sony A10 digital recorder.

Audio Live Concert