GWAR- Oderus Urungus on KUSF Rampage Radio, San Francisco Late 80s/Early 90s xfer from band archive

It’s mediocre Monday everybody! And it has truly been a mediocre day- everything is breaking, or not working as expected over here. Pure frustration.
This one is pretty cool- the only reason it qualified for mediocre monday is due to it being PURE CHAOS in the studio. Brockie can’t figure out how to turn on the mic, so they just keep playing random album tracks and his station ID over and over. Also a few minutes of dead air. It’s a good snapshot into the late night insanity that was rampage radio. Ron, any ideas of the date? Late 80s/early 90s is a pure wild ass guess on my part.
I tagged this as being from the band archive- Barry Ward was in the band for a bit and this cassette comes from his collection of tapes. I think he recorded this one.

Recorded by: Barry Ward?
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card


R.K.L.- KUSF Interview with Barry and Chris October 1987 xfer band archive cassette Rich Kids LSD

Crap, I am falling behind on the daily posts. Work and family is keeping me way too busy.
Here is another really fun tape from Barry Ward’s collection. This one has him and Chris (I think) talking about the band’s history and the new Rock N Roll Nightmare LP. They played some album tracks as well. Good stuff! I don’t know if Barry taped this himself, but the tape had a little damage so you will hear some dropouts.

Recorded by: Barry Ward?
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card


Rampage Radio- KUSF 90.3 FM Compilation 1987? xfer from cassette tape

On the B side of that “Attitude Adjustment soundboard from the farm taped on an official metallica master of puppets tape” is this unlabeled Rampage Radio excerpt. It has a TON of radio static that I could not fix without it sounding weird, so here you go. It is still listenable.

Note: This is different than the one I posted earlier this week

From the collection of Gary Shurtleff
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon- Audiophile 2496 card- sony soundforge

Audio Demo

Rampage Radio- KUSF 90.3 FM Compilation 1987 xfer from master tape

My friend Gary Shurtleff reminded me (nicely) that I have a bunch of his cassettes that need to be digitized, so I dug a few out and got to work on them. The first one is a killer time capsule- Ron Quintana’s Rampage Radio show from 1987! Gary said he would stay up until 2am so he could hit “record” and then listen the next day. I lived out of range of the station, so I never got to hear the show.
Listen for uncirculated(?) live recordings of Y&T, Metallica, and others. I think the Suicidal live is from Perkins Palace 1983.
Ron, did you ever get any crap from the FCC for profanity? That was complete insanity! Love it!!

I also found a killer noise reduction plugin for Sony Sound Forge, so you won’t be hearing any more tape hiss.

Recorded by: Gary Shurtleff
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon- Audiophile 2496 card- sony soundforge


Audio Demo Live Concert

Metallica- KUSF Rampage Radio 1984 Andy Andersen interviews Lars, who is impersonating Kerry King

Whew, that was a mouthful of a title, but the description is exactly what this is. It one comes from the Wayne Vanderkuil archive and is cringeworthy but hilarious. “Why do you wear so many nails- are you in construction or something?” I miss Andy’s one-liners.
There is a second segment where Lars impersonates Appolonia- this one was kinda lost on me since I don’t know the reference. I assume it is Apollonia Kotero?
Anyway, listen to this one quick- I would not be surprised if Andy, Harald, Ron or any of the other KUSF regulars want this pulled down. I personally think this is AWESOME. One of the best parodies of Slayer that I have ever heard.

Recorded by: ?. From Wayne Vanderkuil’s archive.
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Performance

Rampage Radio Show- KUSF, San Francisco Ca. Early 80s xfer from 1st gen Audio Tape Anvil Chorus AIIZ

During lockdown, I have been trolling Ebay more often than usual and I saw this tape for auction. It was listed as “Metallica Demo”, but when I saw the tape, I knew exactly what it was… and I know Ron’s handwriting from trading tapes with him back in the 80s. I was able to snag it for kinda cheap to share here. This is the best quality recording I have heard from the old Rampage Radio shows.
Side note: You will hear Ian or Ron talk about The Sweet at one point- this video was blocked because of the Sweet content, so I had to edit it out.

Recorded by: Ron Quintana
1st gen tape transferred by Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon, M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Demo Live Concert