Crucifix- De Wielingen, Amsterdam Holland 2/24/84 Audio only SOUNDBOARD xfer from unknown gen audiotape

Here’s another tape from Eric Mcintire’s collection. I thought I had all the Crucifix stuff that was available, but he had about 10 more. It has been fun digitizing all of these.
This one was all bass, drums and vocals. I popped it into Izotope and boosted the hell out of the guitar. The result isn’t perfect, but it is listenable. The mix changes throughout the show. The guitar is still a bit low to start, but toward the end the guitar almost overpowers everything else. I tried to make it “good enough” throughout.

Recorded by: ?
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon & M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
Boost guitar a lot and drums a little in Izotope.

Audio Live Concert

Megadeth- Stone, San Francisco Ca. 2/19/84 xfer from master audio cassette 2nd show ever Kerry King

Another CLASSIC show from tour manager Doug’s box of tapes here. This is Megadeth’s 2nd show ever, with Kerry King filling in on 2nd guitar duty. How amazing is it that Los Angeles-based Megadeth chose the bay area to have their debut shows? Bay Area Thrash, indeed.
I pushed the EQ on this one hard- there is still this little band of shrilly high end I can’t seem to get out of there, but it sounds pretty nice. As usual, the show was recorded from the sweet spot by Doug, but the Stone had pretty nice sound- hard to go wrong there.

Recorded by: Tour Manager Doug
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
EQ in Sony Sound Forge 10

Audio Live Concert

Abattoir- The Stone, San Francisco Ca 2/19/84 xfer f/ master audiotape Power Speed Metal Los Angeles

Alright, here is another rarity from Tour Manager Doug’s box of tapes. This looks to be the earliest known recording of Los Angeles speed metal band Abbatoir in existence. They were opening for one of Megadeth’s first shows ever (the ones with Kerry on guitar).
I did my best to bring the high end down and bass up on this one- the snare was way back in the mix to start, but it gets better. One of those apparent “soundcheck during first song of set” deals.

Recorded by: Tour Manager Doug
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
EQ in Sony Sound Forge 10

Audio Live Concert

Code of Honor- Starlight Club, Los Angeles Ca 2/19/84 xfer from audio cassette Verbal Abuse Punk

It’s mediocre Monday! Here is a perfect candidate for mediocre Monday- this recording is pretty rare- I had never come across it when I traded in the 80s. The quality is not that bad for an old punk rock audience tape… but someone (possibly the taper) was shutting the deck on and off in between tracks and these old cheap decks would sometimes misalign and give you extreme “wow and flutter”, and that is exactly what happened with this tape. So, you get the majority sounding decent, then 10-15min of awful quality, then back to decent. Truly mediocre! I have tons of stuff like this!!
From Jason Ross’ archive.

Recorded by: Unknown
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi 670ZX and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert

Megadeth- Ruthie’s Inn, Berkeley Ca 2/17/84 xfer from master soundboard cassette First Show Ever

OK, before you get real excited about the description of this one, please read this. I digitized this a couple of months ago. Something must have gone wrong with the soundboard- maybe the tape levels were too high or the output from the board was too hot- but this is pretty distorted. I took a swing at un-distorting it in Izotope and just made it worse. I reached out to people who are very good in audio software and they told me it was too distorted to fix. So, hopefully in the future, these audio AI software programs will make this better… but for now, this is it.
Since it is Megadeth’s first show ever and it is from the master tape, it is still worth a post. Thanks Doug!

Recorded by: Tour Manager Doug
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert

Trouble- Ruthie’s Inn, Berkeley Ca 2/17/84 xfer from master audio tape The Skull Eric Wagner Doom

Another Doug post for Wednesday. I have talked about my cluelessness with Trouble here before. I mostly disregarded them when they released their first album. I mean, I bought it and it was very good, but they had this “White Metal” promotional campaign when all of the great bands were going the other direction. So I wrongly dismissed them for the most part. It wasn’t until years later, when I revisited Psalm 9 that I realized that I was an idiot and this was one of the best metal albums of all time.
When Eric and Ron got the band “The Skull” together in the 2012/2013 time frame to celebrate the early Trouble albums, I could not miss the show. They played Los Angeles in 2013 and I drove down from Sacramento for the show. When I told Eric about driving to the show, his first reply was “why didn’t you fly?”. Eric’s acerbic nature usually come out, but he was pretty cool.
All of the above doesn’t have much to do with this post- I wish I had my act together and was able to see a Psalm 9 era set from this band. Thankfully, Doug was there for it and it sounds pretty nice.

Recorded by: Tour Manager Doug
Equipment used: Sony Walkman WM-R2
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
EQ in Sony Sound Forge

Audio Live Concert

Abattoir- Ruthie’s Inn, Berkeley Ca 2/17/84 xfer f/ master audio tape Power Speed Metal Los Angeles

Another one from Tour Manager Doug to round out the audio portion of the week. I have been so busy with work and kids, I had to dig deep for this weekend’s videos. Be prepared for some cool and obscure stuff!
Here is Abattoir, opening Megadeth’s first show ever. I did the normal EQ work and it sounds alright!

Recorded by: Tour Manager Doug
Equipment used: Sony Walkman WM-R2
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Concert