Teenage Fanclub- Rodney on the Roq, KROQ FM, Pasadena 11/13/94 xfer DAT Master Brian Wilson Live Int

Wow, this is really cool. I thought that I had posted this one but I couldn’t find it on YT. I really wish that I was able to stay up late every Sunday to tape ROTR, but I had a job. And a 1 hour commute. And a 1 year old.
1st 20min-plus is interview, then 2 acoustic songs like in studio… including Brian Wilson’s “Love and Mercy” performed by the band for the first time.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony DTC-690
Transfer equipment: Sony PCM-R500 and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Performance

Ozzy Osbourne- KROQ Loveline, Pasadena Ca 3/13/94 xfer from DAT FM Master Tape

Here’s an old one that I recorded on DAT a long time ago. Looking back, I wish I had recorded more of these but life was super busy… and money was tight.
Here is Ozzy mumbling his way through a loveline. This is mostly Rikki Rachtman and Drew answering questions and Ozzy interjects occasionally.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony DTC-690 DAT over FM

Audio Live Performance

Meat Loaf- KROQ Lovelines, Pasadena Ca 8/23/93 xfer from Master FM cassette Nakamichi 670ZX

Man, today has been a terrible day for losing people. I’d rather remember Terry Tolkin (Elektra A&R and all around great guy) or Lyman Sheats (He probably programmed your favorite pinball game) but alas, I have no content to share from them. Instead, I guess the post from today will be Meat Loaf. I don’t know why I used cassette to record this- the DAT machine must have been in the shop. I also taped Fishbone Lovelines on cassette around the same time, so this must have been the reason.
Also, this is the maiden voyage of a new cassette deck- the Nakamichi 670ZX. I was gifted this deck(!)- thanks Carlos. When I play tapes that are a bit flawed, the Dragon auto-adjustment freaks out a bit and they sound muffled. This deck is actually better for those tapes. You will hear a little wow/flutter at the beginning of the tape but it recovers quickly.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Aiwa home cassette deck
Transfer Equipment: Nakamichi 670ZX and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card


Deborah Harry- KROQ Loveline Show 8/19/93 xfer from FM Master DAT Blondie Dr. Drew Poorman

For the uninitiated, Loveline was a show that ran 5 nights a week where listeners would call in with love problems, medical problems, etc and ask for advice. They would have special guest stars in the studio at times to give advice. I am still kicking myself for not recording every single one of these, but money and time were tight back then.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony DTC-690 and Recoton amplified antenna

Audio Live Concert

Ride- Live in studio on Rodney on the Roq, KROQ-FM 7/25/93 xfer from DAT FM Master Recording

This one is a nice memory- Cameron, my first son had just been born the day before and I had been at the hospital for a few days straight. I ran home to get some rest and Rodney was on, announcing that Ride was going to be live in the studio. I hit record on the DAT machine and crashed out. I am so glad I recorded this because it is awesome! Many songs acoustic.
The highlight of this one is when 2 teenage girls call in and they are bickering back and forth while on the air! Ride (I think it was Andy) asks them “have you ever heard of Beavis and Butthead (because they sounded a lot like them) and they did not get the joke at all! It was hilarious!!
Anyway, I can’t recall if I ever traded this, so it may be uncirculated.
I hated a lot of things about L.A. when I lived there, but radio and live music scene was excellent.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy onto DAT in LP mode
Equipment used: Sony DTC690

Audio Live Concert

Danny Bonaduce- KROQ Lovelines, Pasadena Ca. 7/14/93 xfer from DAT Master Tape

I am stretching the “music” part of the sac music archive with this one, but Danny was a Partridge and did release albums, so I’ll allow it. This one may be right up dr. frank’s alley. Danny Bonaduce giving love and sex advice to impressionable young minds.
He also leaves midway through his appearance to go watch himself on TV. HA!

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony DTC-690
