Henry Rollins- Crest Theater, Sacramento Ca. 1/24/97 audio only xfer DAT Sbd master tape Spoken Word

Here is the last time I ever taped Rollins with permission. Henry used to trade tapes back in the 1980s and he would usually be pretty cool with taping. I got the OK to video in 1988 and audio this time. I taped another Crest spoken work show in 2003 from the audience.
This show was a blast. I met Andy Field for the first time- he did sound at the show. I heard that he (or someone) has some old soundboard recordings from Sacramento’s early days of punk, but I can’t seem to get a hold of him. If anyone knows how to get in contact with him, lmk. It would be great to get those shows on the archive.

Warning: This show contains a ton of profanity and is SUPER dynamic. I tried to compress it as much as possible, but it is still very quiet in spots, and super loud in others. Just think- it was worse before!

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony TCD-D7 into the soundboard

Audio Live Concert

Rollins Band, Henry Rollins, Biohazard- MTV 120 Minutes 5/15/94 xfer from VHS Master Tape

Here is an oldie from Gary Shurtleff’s collection. The rollins band performance is on YT, but not the complete thing with interview AND Biohazard interviews and footage from the studio. 33 minutes of 120 minutes goodness!
Video is blocked in Syria, Iran, Cuba, North Korea so if you live there, you’re outta luck. Sorry.

Recorded by: Gary Shurtleff
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: JVC HRS9811 and Canopus ADVC300

Live Performance Video

Henry Rollins- KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas, Universal Amp, L.A. 12/12/93 spoken word DAT master xfer

congratulations, you made it to the end. here is a 4 minute surprise performance by Rollins to cap off the night. Far cry from Lhasa club and zero one gallery 10 years earlier!

Recorded off FM by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony TCD-690
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony PCMR500 and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Performance

Henry Rollins- Great American Music Hall, San Francisco 7/2/89 Enhanced with Sony Pro Walkman Audio

Here is another video that never really saw the light of day because it had issues. I had a problem with my mic that day, so the original audio on the video is super low and has some electrical interference. With the help of Derek Purtell (and my enhancements in Adobe Premiere/neat video), we finally were able to make this watchable/listenable!

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment Used: Aiwa CV80
Audio Recording by: “Anonymous”
Audio equipment used: Sony WMD6C & ECM909 mic.
Enhancement: Adobe premiere/neat video
Audio Synch by: Derek Purtell

Live Concert Video

Henry Rollins- Los Angeles, Ca. 1988 xfer from 1st gen (?) cassette Spoken Word

Wayne V traded tapes with a member of the band Haywire from L.A. for a stretch, and they sent a tape of their band (nice recording) from the late 80s. At the beginning of the tape, there was this rollins spoken word. I was unsure if this was an official release, so I tried to Shazam it and no results. So, let’s run with it. 8 min of Rollins today

From Wayne Vanderkuil’s collection
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card

Audio Live Performance

Henry Rollins and Ian Mackeye- The Rat, Boston Ma. 2/4/87 Spoken word together xfer from 3rd gen

NOTE the first 20min of this is rough- lots of audience chatter. It gets a lot better after 20min. Fast fwd if you can’t stand it- it’s worth the listen!

I think this was a one of a kind event- Henry Rollins and Ian Mackeye on stage together, reminiscing about the fun times working at the pet shop in D.C. and talking about ill-fated tours. Henry was doing spoken word shows regularly at this point, but I have never seen Ian do one of these since.
I also have a different recording of this show (recorded by Jim Hildreth) that is longer- 90 minutes- but lesser quality. Let me know if you are dying to hear that one and I’ll pull it out.

Recorded by: ?
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon and M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card
Edit in Sony Soundforge 10- copied right channel into left, as right channel had annoying high end distortion

Audio Live Concert