BtB, BtH are a local/regional? band who play around often. With a name like that, I was expecting some tuneless grindcore but this was a pleasant surprise. Catchy Metal/Punk crossover played tight. I enjoyed it.
Audio is a bit low- it would have taken a lot of hoop-jumping to bring it up, so please save me some time and turn it up!
And yes, it was really that dark on stage. I kept the light sensitivity where the vocalist would not overexpose under the one light on stage. You can still see the other members, kinda. You can see the guitarist’s strings, that’s what counts.
No schoeps audio for the entire show- the preamp died during this set. D’oh.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Panasonic Lumix G9ii w/Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 12-60mm F/2.8-4 ASPH lens; Rode Videomic pro stereo

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