Oh man, what a night. This is going to be long. Buckle up.
I bought a pair of the cheap $20 lawn seats that ticketmaster was selling a while back, not even sure if I was going to go yet. I saw Kiss back in 1983 on the Creatures of the Night tour, and that was the only time I had ever seen them.

I decide to go and invited my friend Cory last-minute. After we got into the venue, he decided to rent a couple lawn chairs for us rather than use the blanket I had. I was bagging on this idea the entire time we were in line for the chairs- complaining that LiveNation stops letting us bring in chairs, then rents them to us for $10 a pop. What kind of bullsh*t is that? We get to the front of the line and the nice worker there hands us comp tickets for the 14th row! Like, the 14th row of the front section of the venue. We couldn’t believe it. Thanks Cory!

But it doesn’t end there. We get to the seats and realize that we both have a ticket for the same seat. I haul ass back to the chair rental place and let the lady know and she apologizes, and then heads to the ticket office to correct the issue. She comes back with EVEN BETTER seats in the 13th row, right in front of a PA main (important for nerds like me). So I go back to where Cory was sitting and tell him to DITCH THE BLANKET in the aisle. So, Toyota Amp now has a 20 year old blue and white blanket. Sorry guys. Also, the chair lady was an MVP- she could have just told me “sorry”, but she took care of it. I wish I knew her name…

The show was great- I have never been a big Kiss fan, but I knew all but 2 of the songs played just through osmosis- either hearing it on the radio, or through friends & family. It was silly fun- I have not laughed or smiled like that at a show in years!

I shot the show in 4k and will be posting that soon. It takes Youtube about a week to process 2 hours of 4k video, and I already have 2 up and processing now. So, hopefully video this weekend. In the meantime, here is my audio recording. It turned out pretty good. I did a quick EQ and brought a lot of the thumpy bass out of the mix, and pushed up the mids and highs.

More to come.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Sony PCM-M10, DPA 4061 Mics, Church Audio preamp.
EQ in Sony Sound forge (Bass minus 2-3db, Mids and hughs plus 2-3db.

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