Urban Wolves- Phono Select, Sacramento Ca. 4/7/18 Canon HFG40 & Rode VPS Mic

Urban Wolves are Jordan Wolfe from Final Summation (and many others), and 2 guys from Okami (Jesse Bunker & Joe Oliviera). Great pop punk- Sac is so lucky to have so many incredible bands. I can’t keep up- it is exhausting trying to catch up with all of this!
Thanks to Dal for hosting a killer show at Phono.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: Canon HFG40 & Rode Video Pro Stereo Mic

Live Concert Video

Tommy Stinson- Cowboys in the Campfire, Phono Select, Sacramento 11/27/17

Hi Everyone, I tried sending download links to everyone who was at the show but I don’t think anyone actually downloaded it, so here it is in EASY TO LISTEN TO YOUTUBE FORMAT. Geez people. 🙂 I used my DPA4061 stealth mics for this one and it turned out great. It is a strange feeling, standing about 5 feet from the performer with these mics on you. Tommy was super nice- I bought a shirt and he autographed it. He signed it “To Shayne- I love you”. That may have been the drink talking, because I haven’t heard from the guy.

Recorded by: Shayne Stacy

Equipment Used: DPA4061 stealth mics


Live Concert Video

Flyer: Bastards Of Young, Charles Albright, Cory Wiegert, Alex Dorame, Doose, Mad Judy, Rad at Phono Select, Sacramento, CA 09/24/11

Bastards Of Young, Charles Albright, Cory Wiegert, Alex Dorame, Doose, Mad Judy, Rad
Phono Select
Sacramento, CA

“Tastes Like Bat Guano” Compilation Listening Party & Release Show (aka Bat Guano Fest 1 – Show 3)

Flyer scan by Ken Doose

Alternate flyer with early lineup of show

Flyer by Sean Hills
